A few days back, Stylish Star Allu Arjun‘s next movie, his 21st in the direction of Koratala Shiva has been announced and even the concept poster has been unveiled. Actually, many have wondered what made this duo to announce the project in a hurry? Koratala Shiva hasn’t completed Chiranjeevi’s Acharya yet. He has only completed 30 percent of the shoot. On the other hand, Allu Arjun hasn’t even started his next Pushpa in the direction of Sukumar.
These two will be freed from their respective commitments by mid next year. So what’s in hurry for these two? It is learned from the close sources, Koratala Shiva is miffed with himself by not releasing his next film though it’s been already three years. He wants to complete Acharya fast and take his next sets immediately without wasting time. Allu Arjun on the other hand is looking out for solid directors to cement his top position in the industry. He is also looking out on Pan Indian image. So he thought Koratala Shiva might be the best option.
The other rumors we heard are that Koratala Shiva is taking a huge chunk of percentage from the profits.
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