Malayalam blockbuster Ayyappanum Koshiyum has been making a lot of noise since its release. The movie is being made in several languages and already remake rights of Tollywood and Kollywood are bought. For the Telugu version, Sithara Entertainments has bagged the rights. They are in search of two suitable heroes for this movie which is based on the concept of egos.
Firstly, Ravi Teja and Rana Daggubati are considered for the movie and later after knowing about the project, Pawan Kalyan came into the picture. He has shown interest to play one of the leads.
Already the director Sagar Chandra has made suitable changes to the script. However, with Pawan might play one of the leads, makers are in search of another director.
It is said that Pawan has asked Trivikram Srinivas to find a suitable director for him. Venky Atluri’s name made rounds but Pawan is against it. Trivikram is currently on the job and an update might come on this project anytime soon.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood