When Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor stepped into the shoes of the young actor Vijay Deverakonda for the Hindi remake of Arjun Reddy, he did not know that Kabir Singh would turn out be the biggest hit of his career. The massive success of Kabir Singh has catapulted Shahid Kapoor into the big league. Recently there was a strong buzz in the film industry that Karan Johar approached Shahid Kapoor for the Hindi remake of Vijay Deverakonda starrer Dear Comrade.
However, the Padmaavat actor had turned down the offer. A few months back, the news came out that Karan Johar is planning to cast his Dhadak pair Ishaan Khatter and Janhvi Kapoor as the lead pair in Dear Comrade’s Hindi version. But now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, the makers are considering the name of happening actor Karthik Aryan to play the lead role in the Hindi version of Dear Comrade.
Vijay starrer Dear Comrade is an intense love story and it failed to impress Telugu audiences when it released last year. Keeping the lukewarm response for the film in Telugu, Karan Johar and his team are planning to make changes to attract the North Indian audience.
Now we have to wait and see whether Karthik Aryan will step in the shoes of Vijay Deverakonda for Dear Comrade Hindi remake.
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