On the occasion of his father Superstar Krishna’ birthday, Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu made an official announcement regarding his upcoming project Sarkaru Vaari Paata, which will be directed by Parasuram of Geetha Govindam fame. After the big announcement of Sarkaru Vaari Paata, the Superstar is all set to drop an update on his next, tentatively titled SSMB28. The reports are coming that Mahesh Babu will be announcing the film on his 45th birthday, which falls on 9th August. Mahesh Babu fans have been eagerly waiting for 9th August to celebrate his birthday on a massive scale.
It is known news that in past during an interview, Baahubali director Rajamouli had revealed that he would be collaborating with Mahesh Babu. There are rumors that the same project of Rajamouli and Mahesh Babu might be officially announced on the occasion of actor’ birthday.
The sources say that the first look poster of Mahesh Babu from Rajamouli film with the title might be unveiled on this day. Whereas few are saying that Mahesh Babu might make an announcement about his project with Sandeep Reddy Vanga on his birthday.
On the otherside, Thaman, the music composer of Sarkaru Vaari Paata, took to Twitter yesterday and hinted about the actor’ upcoming birthday surprise. Reports are coming that a special teaser or a song from Parasuram’ film is on the way.
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