Akkineni Nagarjuna is back to film shoots. He has commenced the shoot of his next after nearly five months. The actor recently put makeup on his face for the promo shoot of Bigg Boss. King has recently celebrated his birthday and on this occasion, he has announced that he is going to commence shoots of his next and Bigg Boss as well.
Bigg Boss Season 4 will be starting this September 6th from 6 PM. Now coming to the actual point, Nagarjuna has resumed the shoot of his next, Wild Dog. It will be a long schedule, the sources revealed. The movie unit has made all the arrangements necessary to have a safe shoot.
He is playing NIA agent in the movie and Saiyami Kher, Ali Reza is playing the crucial characters. On Nagarjuna’s birthday, the second poster of this movie has been announced.
Solomon who worked as the writer for Oopiri is directing the project. Matinee Entertainments is the production house.
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