We have already reported that several unidentified miscreants created ruckus at veteran Telugu actor Mohan Babu’ residence in Jallapalli on the outskirts of Hyderabad yesterday evening. Later Mohan Babu and Manchu Vishnu approached police and filed a complaint with the Rachakonda Commissionarate and the Pahadi Sharif Police Station. Now according to the latest update, the police have started the investigation of this case and traced the culprits with the help of the CCTV footage and the car registration number. The accused have been identified as the youths from Durga Nagar, Mylardevpally. Cops are probing the case if they were sent by any other person.
The sources say that police are conducting the investigation to track the persons behind them. According to the police official, a group of four men came in a Toyota Innova car and barged into the Manchu house immediately after the watchman opened the gate as one of the persons from inside the house was going out on a bike. The watchman was not cautious during the time of incident. After entering the house, the men threatened Mohan Babu by shouting ‘we won’t spare you’.
Assessing the CCTV footage, police officials found that the men were in a car numbered ‘AP31AN0004’.
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