If ongoing buzz in the media and film industry are to be believed, Renu Desai, the ex-wife of Jana Sena Chief and actor Power Star Pawan Kalyan, is all set to test her luck in digital world. The reports are coming that Renu Desai has signed a web series which will be helmed by a debutant and will be released on Aha.
The sources say that Aha will produce and release this web series on their platform. Renu Desai has signed the dotted line after she was impressed with the story and the subject. This web series is said to be a family entertainer that will have good doses of comedy and emotions. The sources added that Aha will be officially announcing Renu Desai’ web series after they finalize the lead cast and the technical team.
The pre-production works of this web series has been started. It will mark Renu Desai’s maiden web series.
Few days ago, the actress and film maker Renu Desai was in the news headline when she sold her two expensive cars. She sold her two cars Audi A6 and Porsche Boxter. According to Renu Desai, she took this decision because she wanted to reduce carbon footprints as much as possible.
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