Rhea Chakraborty who was the prime accused in Bollywood actor Sushanth Singh Rajput suicide case has finally decided to speak out. The actress has been maintaining strategical silence over the months though huge ruckus is being created against her. Speaking to a national media, Rhea Chakraborty has revealed some of the interesting things about the actor’s suicide.
Rhea Chakraborty said that she doesn’t attend the final rites of Sushanth as she doesn’t have a healthy relationship with Sushanth‘s family members. “They hate me and will not allow me. So I maintained a distance. However, I went to the mortuary but they didn’t allow me near. I just saw Sushanth for around 2-3 seconds at the mortuary. I touched his feet. There is absolutely no base in the allegations being levied against me” the actress concluded.
Rhea went emotional in the interview and said “Sorry Babu” to Sushanth Singh. The truth will prevail soon said the actress.
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