The fans and the movie lovers are very excited as Baahubali actor Prabhas will be seen playing the role of Lord Ram in the upcoming mega project titled, Adipurush under the direction of Om Raut of Tanhaji fame. The film Adipurush starring Prabhas has been the talk of the town ever since Mirchi star made an official announcement about the same last week. The upcoming much hyped big budget entertainer is produced by Bhushan Kumar and will be released in 5 languages worldwide in a very grand manner.
Adipurush is one of the biggest projects in Prabhas’ career after Baahubali series. Prabhas will be undergoing archery training for the role. Now, the latest reports reveal that Baahubali star Prabhas is going to set up an archery range at his home.
Incidentally, Prabhas had set up an archery range at his old guest house during the making of SS Rajamouli’ Baahubali franchise as he had to get training in archery. Now, he is planning to shift the equipment to his residence. Prabhas is going to begin his archery training soon.
Meanwhile Prabhas is working on his transformation. The actor has to attain an archer’s physique, which is dramatically different from that of a warrior.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood