Singer Renu Nagar, who was seen on the 10th season of singing reality show Indian Idol, has been admitted to a hospital and is in critical condition. According to the latest update, the singer Renu Nagar fell unconscious after her boyfriend died by suicide.
Renu and her boyfriend Ravi had run away from their homes in Alwar, Rajasthan in the month of June. After which, Renu’s father filed a complaint with the police. The police said that a 27 years old married man, who had eloped with Indian Idol fame singer Renu Nagar, died after consuming poison in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan. The man is identified as Ravi Shankar, who had eloped with Renu Nagar and the police had traced them on 24th August. Since then, he had been living in his house in Rajasthan.”
He consumed poison on Thursday and later he was rushed to a hospital in the nearby Alwar district where doctors declared him dead.
The news of Ravi Shankar’ death sent Renu nagar in a state of shock and she fainted. The singer is currently admitted to the ICU of Mittal Hospital.
The sources revealed that Ravi Shankar took tabla lessons at Renu Nagar’ home. He also has a wife and 2 children.
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