Director Sandeep Reddy Vanga made his debut as director in Telugu Film Industry with Arjun Reddy in which Vijay Deverakonda and Shalini Pandey played the lead roles. Sandeep Reddy Vanga, who hails from Warangal and completed his medicine course in Dharwad. According to Arjun Reddy helmer, he was always interested in filmmaking since his childhood.
After delivering Arjun Reddy, Sandeep Reddy Vanga moved to Bollywood and made Kabir Singh, the remake of Arjun Reddy, which was a blockbuster at the box office. Now the reports are coming that he is planning for his third project. The makers of Kabir Singh will produce Sandeep Reddy Vanga’ third filml but the news is that the film will be announced in the days to come. It will be a crime drama which will be made on a dark note. Whether this is bilingual or not, and who will play the lead role, it has been kept as suspense.
Earlier during an interview, Sandeep Reddy Vanga had said, “It’s my dream to narrate a story to Chiranjeevi whether he decides to act in it or not. I have a story that suits his age.” The reports are also coming that Sandeep is in the talk with Vijay Deverakonda for a project.
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