A couple of weeks ago, one of Bollywood actor Dilip Kumar’ two younger brothers, Aslam Khan, breathed his last after contracting the Novel Coronavirus and now according to the latest update, last night his another brother Ehsan Khan passed away due to Covid-19.
Ehsan Khan breathed his last at the Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai at 11 pm yesterday night. He suffered from heart related ailments, hypertension, and Alzheimer’s, according to the Lilavati Hospital authorities. On 21st August, Dilip’ youngest brother Aslam Khan passed away at Lilavati Hospital. Eshan was about 90 years of age whereas Aslam Khan was a few years younger.
Both Aslam Khan and Eshan Khan were admitted to Lilavati Hospital in the month of August. Later both tested positive for COVID-19 and they were immediately admitted at the coronavirus ward of the hospital.
Faisal Farooqui, the family friend of Dilip Kumar confirmed the news of Ehsan Khan’ death on Twitter by sharing a post, “Dilip Saab’s youngest brother Ehsan Khan, passed away. Earlier, youngest brother, Aslam Khan had passed away. Please pray for them.”
In the month of March, few days before the lockdown was imposed, Dilip Kumar revealed that he and his wife, Saira Banu, were under “complete isolation and quarantine” as a precaution against the deadly Virus.
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