Jana Sena Chief and actor Power Star Pawan Kalyan is celebrating his birthday today. The brother of Megastar Chiranjeevi made his debut in Telugu cinema with Akkada Ammayi Ikkada Abbayi in the year 1996 and has been ruling the industry since. Two years after his debut, Pawan Kalyan acted Tholi Prema, which won the National Film Award.
Even before the clock struck 12, Pawan Kalyan’ fans had flooded social media with warm wishes for the actor. Many celebrities from Telugu Film Industry have also been showering the birthday boy with heartfelt birthday wishes. Samantha Akkineni also took to her twitter to sent the birthday wishes to Pawan Kalyan.
Oh Baby girl Samantha Akkineni wrote, “Wishing the absolutely wonderful Pawan Kalyan sir a very happy birthday, with great wisdom comes great responsibilities.”
In past both Samantha and Pawan Kalyan have worked together for the movie Attarintiki Daredi, which broke several box-office records. Directed by Trivikram Srinivas, the film saw Power Star Pawan Kalyan essaying the role of multi millionaire Gautham Nanda.
On the work front, Gabbar Singh star Pawan Kalyan is working with Venu Sriram for upcoming court room drama Vakeel Saab, the remake of National award winning movie Pink. Today the makers of Vakeel Saab unveiled the motion poster as a birthday gift.
Wishing the absolutely wonderful @PawanKalyan sir a very happy birthday .. with great wisdom comes great responsibilities. Wishing you good health and great happiness forever and ever
— Samantha Akkineni (@Samanthaprabhu2) September 1, 2020
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