It is known news that the young actor Naga Shaurya has transformed himself to essay the role of an archer in his next film, which had its formal launch a few weeks ago. Touted as India’s first film on archery, the film will have Naga Shaurya playing an archer. He has built a chiseled body and is sporting a thick beard and long hair for his role in this film. Now according to the latest update, Jagapathi Babu has been roped in Naga Shaurya starrer to play the crucial role.
The regular shoot of this upcoming untitled film will kick-start from 18th September. Shoot will start with all Covid-19 precautions in place, following the guidelines. The popular character artiste Jagapathi Babu will be seen in a special role in this film of Naga Shaurya which has Ketika Sharma is the female lead. The movie will be helmed by Santhossh Jagarlapudi and produced jointly by Senior producer and distributor Narayandas K Narang and Sharrath Marar.
The shoot of Naga Shaurya and Ketika Sharma starrer was halted in March due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Earlier Naga Shaurya had said, “After a dozen films, I realized I need to evolve with the times and play some challenging roles.
It’s not easy task to live with man bun. My respect for the women has skyrocketed after maintaining my hair. It’s very hard and I wonder how women maintain it without any complaint.”
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