Stylish Star Allu Arjun has scored a gigantic hit with Ala Vaikunthapuramulo. The actor has now committed to his next Pushpa in the direction of Sukumar. The movie is based on the Red Sandalwood mafia which is prevalent in the Chittoor district.
The movie will be set up in that area. Allu Arjun will be seen speaking Chittoor’s accent in the film. He will sport a rugged look with a thick beard in Pushpa. The actor was recently seen in full-grown hair and beard. His look has been finalized and will be transformed into that look. Stylists are currently working on that.
The major shooting will be shot in thick forests as per the demand of the story. The action episodes are said to be one of the main highlights of the project.
Peter Heins will be choreographing them. Pushpa shoot will start with an action block and Peter Heins is currently working on how to present the fight.
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