On 30th October, Kajal Aggarwal married her fiancé, businessman Gautam Kitchlu, in a private ceremony in Mumbai and the wedding was attended by family members and few friends. A few pictures from the wedding function show that Kajal Aggarwal wore a red lehenga, accessorized with a kundan necklace for her big day. Anushka Shetty who is one of the friends of Kajal Aggarwal took to her microblogging page to send her wishes to Kajal Aggarwal and Gautam on the occasion of their wedding.
For the Haldi ceremony, Kajal Aggarwal had worn a yellow and pink dress. A big pink flower adorned her forehead. She had also worn floral bracelets.
Baahubali and Arundhati fame Anushka Shetty shared the wedding pic of Kajal and Gautam, and said, “The highest happiness on earth is the happiness of marriage, Two souls with but a single thought; two hearts that beat as one Wishing a blissful married life.”
Gautam is a Mumbai based businessman, who founded a company called Discern Living in the year 2015 and he also attended the Fashion Institute of Technology and INSEAD.
On the other hand, everyone is eagerly waiting for Anushka Shetty’ wedding. Anushka Shetty was last seen playing the female lead in silence thriller drama Nishabdham in which she shared the screen space with Nishabdham.
The highest happiness on earth is the happiness of marriage…Two souls with but a single thought; two hearts that beat as one…..Wishing a blissful married life to Dear @MsKajalAggarwal & Gautam
Congratulations to u Both #KajGautKitched pic.twitter.com/5oiMc7X47j— Anushka Shetty (@MsAnushkaShetty) October 31, 2020
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