The controversial reality show Bigg Boss 4 Telugu and Bigg Boss 4 Tamil marked their entry on the Television screens amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It is known news that Telugu version of bigg Boss 4 , is being hosted by Nagarjuna Akkineni and Tamil version is hosted by versatile actor Kamal Haasan.
According to the latest statistics collected by BARC, Bigg Boss 4 Telugu has a massive viewership than the Tamil version. The Telugu version of the controversial reality show Bigg Boss 4 Telugu has 2.7 billion viewership, whereas Tamil version has 2.2 billion viewers.
Akkineni Nagarjuna who has been out of the city for one of his upcoming film shoots, is most likely to shoot for this weekend’s episode today on 31st October. Nag’ daughter in law Samantha Akkineni was expected to continue to host the show for two more episodes. However, close sources revealed that Samantha Akkineni apparently refused to continue which now forced Nagarjuna to return to host the reality show.
The sources say that Samantha has shot for the three hour long Dussehra special mega episode that she hosted for more than 12 hours. Rangasthalam beauty Samantha charmed the Bigg Boss fans with her smile and confidence.
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