After wrapping up the shoot of SS Rajamouli’ RRR, it’s confirmed that Jr NTR is teaming up again with director Trivikram Srinivas for his 30th film. The fans are curious to know more about the film of Tarak. They keep messaging the filmmakers and take to social media to know more about this upcoming drama. While the producer of this film has made it clear that they will not reveal the title anytime soon, fans are still on cloud nine about the fact that an exciting title has been finalized for the project. Buzz is that the makers are considering the title Ayinanu Poyi Ravale Hastinaku, but confirmation is awaited. There is no clarity as of now about the shoot schedules. The sources say that Trivikram Srinivas has already completed the script work and Jr NTR starrer film is set in the backdrop of USA.
Trivikram Srinivas is planning to shoot the major portion of the film in USA. The regular shoot of Jr NTR and Trivikram Srinivas’ film is expected to commence from January next year.
Trivikram Srinivas is in plans to complete the shoot of Mahesh Babu’s film by the time NTR completes the shoot of DVV Danayya’ production venture RRR.
Tags: Jr NTR, Trivikram Srinivas, RRR, Mahesh Babu
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