The makers of Megastar Chiranjeevi starrer highly-anticipated movie, Acharya, which is carrying a social message, have not given any hint about resuming the film’s shoot. Apparently, Chiranjeevi is still not ready to shoot with the pandemic still going strong. Now according to the latest update, Koratala Siva is planning to conduct a test shoot in a private studio for his upcoming directorial venture Acharya.
The sources say that Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy star told his director Koratala Siva to resume the shoot without him. So Koratala Siva is planning to resume the shoot with supporting actors at a studio in Hyderabad.
He is in plans to conduct a test shoot in a private studio. If things are extremely good, Chiranjeevi will join the sets of Acharya from the mid of November month. Else, the shoot of this film Acharya would be pushed further.
Acharya also has Ram Charan in an extended cameo and the reports are coming that the makers are planning to bring Rashmika Mandanna on the board to play the love interest of Rangasthalam star. Kajal Aggarwal is the leading lady in Acharya and she will join the sets after her wedding which is going to take place on 30th October.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood