Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu starrer upcoming much awaited movie Sarkaru Vaari Paata, which has National award winning actress Keerthy Suresh in the female lead role, is likely to resume in January next year. Major portions of the film Sarkaru Vaari Paata will be shot in the US under the direction of Parasuram of Geetha Govindam fame. The regular shoot of Sarkaru Vaari Paata will commenced from 4th January 2021 in USA. According to the latest update, Mahesh Babu has decided to fly to USA in advance.
Mahesh Babu along with his family- Wife Namrata and kids- Gautam and Sitara will fly to USA on 24th December and entire family will celebrate the New Year there. The team of Sarkaru Vaari Paata will land in USA by 30th December.
The USA schedule of Sarkaru Vaari Paata will continue for 45 days without breaks. Portions involving Mahesh Babu and Keerthy Suresh are likely to be shot in the first schedule. Mahesh Babu might be seen playing dual roles – a pawn broker and bank officer in the film. The film makers might rope in actors from other languages as well.
On the otherside, Mahesh Babu is currently working on his production venture, Major in which Adivi Sesh is playing the lead role.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood