Nandu Vijay Krishna, and Rashmi Gautam are coming together with an upcoming film Bomma Blockbuster. Yesterday the makers of Bomma Blockbuster unveiled the teaser that grabbed several eyeballs. Directed by Raj Virat, Bomma Blockbuster showcases Nandu as a die hard fan of director Puri Jagannadh and his dream is to handover the script of his real life story to the ‘Pokiri’ director for making a film. Rashmi Gautam is playing the leading lady’s role of Vaani and both of them are theatre artists in a small town.
Set against a rustic backdrop, the teaser of Bomma Blockbuster starts off with Nandu narrating the dialogue from ‘Pokiri’ in a poetic way. This is the second time Rashmi Gautam and Nandu are working for a film after Sivaranjani.
Directors Sukumar and Puri Jagannadh seem to be in awe of the teaser of Bomma Blockbuster. Puri Jagannadh reacted to the teaser and said, “I am so thrilled to watch this high voltage trailer of Bomma Blockbuster. Every frame is full of energy. It looks like a theatrical feast.”
The teaser of Bomma Blockbuster sees voice-over by Sree Vishnu and shows a glimpse into the story. The film has the music by Prashanth R Vihari and cinematography is handled by Sujatha Siddharth.
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