Kajal Aggarwal and Gautam Kitchlu will tie the knot today evening and their wedding ceremony will be attended by family and close movies in Hindi, Telugu and Tamil languages, had made the announcement about her wedding earlier this month. The wedding ceremony will be attended by family and close friends today in Mumbai. The prewedding festivities have been started at the actress house in Mumbai. Now the few photographs of Kajal Aggarwal’ pyjama party are going viral on the social media.
Coming on one of the pic, all are seen raising their hands, whereas in the second, they all are blowing kisses to Kajal Aggarwal. While all the other girls wore striped night suits, Kajal Aggarwal wore a maroon bathing suit. It looks like the pics were from before the pre-wedding ceremonies.
Kajal Aggarwal who is popular for acting in action drama Singham, Magadheera, Kavacham, Thuppakki, Jilla, Temper, Mr Perfect, Maari and Mersal among others, had said on the social media, “It gives me joy to share that I am getting ready to tie the knot with Gautam Kitchlu, on 30th October 2020 in Mumbai, in a private ceremony surrounded by our family members.”
On the work front, Kajal Aggarwal will be seen in Mosagallu, Indian 2 and Acharya.
.@MsKajalAggarwal‘s bachelorette was filled with matching PJs & lots of love #KajalAggarwal #Tollywood #TollywoodActress #Kollywood #Bollywood #NishaAggarwal #KajGautKitched #KajalGautamWeddingOnOct30 pic.twitter.com/tiwGvDiJJa
— KajalMyEverything (@AndhraKajalFC) October 29, 2020
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