The young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda is on a vacation in Europe but even from there Arjun Reddy star seemed to have hurt sentiments as netizens took offence to a comment he made during an interview. Rowdy hero Vijay Deverakonda’ recent comments about Indian democracy, politics and dictatorship have received flak on the internet. Questioning his judgment was also actor Gulshan Devaiah, who said that may be Arjun Reddy actor Vijay Deverakonda needed a haircut to ease the pressure on his khopdi. Finally Vijay’ brother Anand Deverakonda responded to the tweet of Gulshan Devaiah and the actor asked him to understand the context before making personal comments.
During the interview, Dear Comrade actor Vijay Deverakonda had said, “Everyone should not be allowed to vote. I won’t stand in the election where the people would vote for money and alcohol, I would like to be a dictator. I think that the dictatorship is the right way.”
Meanwhile Vijay Deverakonda laughed off the criticism by sharing a video in which he called himself ‘the benevolent fun dictator.’
Few days ago, Gulshan Devaiah was in the news headlines when he made snarky remark at the expense of National award winning actress Kangana Ranaut.
Maybe a khopdi with actual substance would understand the context first before making personal comments on social media
— Anand Deverakonda (@ananddeverkonda) October 11, 2020
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