Tamil actor Suriya is coming up with Soorarai Pottru to entertain his fans and the movie lovers. Soorarai Pottru will be released in Telugu as Aakaasam Nee Haddhu Ra on Amazon Prime Video on 30th October. The movie Aakaasam Nee Haddhu Ra is directed by Sudha Kongara, who had also directed the sport based movie Guru in which Venkatesh and Ritika Singh played the lead roles. Now according to the latest update, Popular Telugu actor Satya dev has come in the support of Suriya and he has lent his voice for Suriya’ character for the Telugu version of the film Aakaasam Nee Haddhu Ra.
According to the makers, Suriya’ strong voice is his biggest advantage. Satya Dev is popular for acting in ‘Brochevarevarura’ and ‘Uma Maheshwara Ugra Roopasya’. Currently the young actor has three movies, which are in different production stages.
Soorarai Pottru is an action drama film which is jointly bankrolled by Suriya and Guneet Monga, under the banners of 2D Entertainment and Sikhya Entertainment. The film Soorarai Pottru has Aparna Balamurali in the female lead.
Apart from the lead pair, the film also has Dr M Mohan Babu, Paresh Rawal, Urvashi, Karunas, Vivek Prasanna, Krishna Kumar and Kaali Venkat in the supporting roles. The film has the music by GV Prakash Kumar and cinematography is handled by Niketh Bommi.
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