Natural Star Nani has been playing the lead role in the movie Tuck Jagadish. The film’s shooting has recently resumed and Nani has joined the sets on October 7th. Now after shooting for around 10 days, the shoot has been stalled again.
It was stopped before in the month of March due to the COVID virus scare. Now it has been stalled again.
The reason behind this is that one of the main crew members from the Tuck Jagadish unit has been tested COVID positive. So a precautionary measure now the entire cast and crew have stopped the shoot and went into home isolation. They will undergo COVID tests very soon.
Tuck Jagadish is being directed by Shiva Nirwana. Ritu Varma and Aishwarya Rajesh have been finalized the film’s leading ladies. SS Thaman is working as the music director for the movie. Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi are producing this romantic entertainer.
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