Super Star Mahesh Babu has scored a decent hit with the film Maharshi. Vamsi Paidipally is the director of the film and Mahesh Babu liked the way Vamsi works for the movie. He promised to do another movie for the director.
After Sarileru Neekevvaru, Vamsi Paidipalli has come up with an interesting script but Mahesh has rejected that. He has lined up Sarkaru Vaari Paata.
Many have thought that the duo is no longer having the same bonding. But proving everyone wrong, Vamsi Paidipalli was spotted in Mahesh’s residence for the Christmas party.
The fresh speculations are that the actor is still interested to work with Vamsi Paidipalli if he comes up with a strong script. Vamsi is currently working on that and an update on their project might be out in 2021.
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