Akkineni Nagarjuna who was last seen playing the lead role in Manmadhudu 2 costarring Rakul Preet Singh, is currently working with debutant Abishor Solomon for an upcoming investigative thriller drama Wild Dog. Nagarjuna has already wrapped up the entire shoot of the film and currently it is in the post production stage. In Wild dog, Nagarjuna is playing the role of a NIA officer and Diya Mirza is playing the actor’ wife. Apart from them, the film also has Saiyami Kher, Alia Reza and Mayank Parakh in the crucial roles, which is bankrolled by Matinee Entertainment.
The sources close to the team of Wild Dog revealed that Nagarjuna is helping Solomon, and he is visiting edit suits, also scissoring some unwanted clips from this thriller drama. Nagarjuna asked Solomon to chop off a few scenes in the film as the duration has become lengthy. As Wild Dog is a thriller drama, Nagarjuna is taking special care.
The title and the first look poster of Wild Dog were unveiled by the makers last December. The first look poster was of a newspaper headline that read: “Encounter in city; 6 dead. Police or wild dog?”
Meanwhile, King Nagarjuna is pinning high hopes on this project Wild Dog after the debacle of Manmadhudu 2.
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