Malaika Arora, the bombshell of Bollywood, is enjoying a lot of her time on the beaches of Goa and at the same time, the actress has also set the mercury levels rising as she slipped in a two piece bikini flaunting her h*t and well toned body. The 47 years old actress is spending some quality time in Goa with her sister Amrita Arora and boyfriend Arjun Kapoor.
Her stylish photographs have not only set the social media on fire but the pics are also giving tough competition to other Bollywood actresses like Disha Patani, Ileana D Cruz and others. Malaika Arora is looking hot as hell in bikini.
Malaika Arora is an active user of social media sites and recently the actress took to her microblogging page to share her b*ld bikini pics. Coming on the pic, Malaika is seen wearing two piece neon and black swimsuit by the pool. For a long time, there were rumors about Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora tying the knot. However, the love birds rubbished the rumors by saying that they were both happy.
Malaika Arora’ photograph in bikini proves that she is one of the s*xiest actress in Hindi film industry and her shapely body is making fans go crazy.
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