On Tuesday morning Ram Charan revealed that he has tested positive for Coronavirus. The 35-year-old actor Ram Charan, took to his Twitter to share a statement , in which he revealed that he is positive for Coronavirus and he is currently quarantined at home. Along with his statement, Rangasthalam star also requested everyone to who were around him in the past couple of days to get tested.
Upasana, the wife of Ram Charan, who is popular for sharing the updates about Ram Charan and his movies, shared picture of herself with husband Charan from their home quarantine and revealed that no symptoms and he is holding strong.
Upasana also revealed that she tested negative but there is a huge chance of her becoming Coronavirus positive.
Upasana is the granddaughter of Dr Pratap C Reddy, who is the Chairman of a popular hospital chain. As Ram Charan and Upasana hail from renowned families, they are always under constant media glare and public attention. The mega couple has an immense liking for racing cars, horses, polo, deep-sea diving and movies.
On the work front, Ram Charan is playing a crucial role in Acharya and lead role in Rajamouli’ directorial venture RRR, which also has Young tiger Jr NTR in the lead role.
This too shall pass !
Hopeful for a better 2021No symptoms & Mr C is holding strong
I tested NEGATIVE but there’s a huge chance of me becoming COVID positive.For now its #homequarantine
with Mr. CLoads of warm liquids, steam inhalation & rest pic.twitter.com/JMiUOcRokC
— Upasana Konidela (@upasanakonidela) December 29, 2020
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