Few days ago the director Gopichand Malineni confirmed that his upcoming directorial venture- the Telugu film Krack, starring Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja and Shruti Haasan, will release in cinemas on 14th January on the occasion of Sankranti festival this year. The upcoming cop based drama Krack marks the 3rd time reunion of Gopichand Malineni and Ravi Teja after two movies Don Seenu and Balupu.
The project Krack in which Ravi Teja is playing a powerful cop, also marks his second time collaboration with Shruti Haasan after the film Balupu. Now according to the latest report, Venkatesh has given his voice over for Ravi Teja starrer Krack. This news is confirmed by the makers of Krack yesterday. After hearing the news of Venkatesh’ voice over for Krack, the fans of Babu Bangaram and Ravi Teja are on ninth cloud.
Today on the occasion of new year, the makers of Krack will release the trailer. Gopichand Malineni’ directorial venture also has Ali, Devi Prasad, Chirag Jani, Mouryani, Sudhakar, Samuthirakani, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Vamsi Chaganti in the crucial roles.
Meanwhile Venkatesh is working with Priyamani for the upcoming revenge drama Narappa which is being helmed by Srikanth Addala. On the otherside, Ravi Teja is busy in action drama Khiladi.
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