According to the latest report, Krish has tested positive for COVID-19 and he is now under home quarantine. Krish is all set to resume the shoot of his upcoming directorial venture in which Pawan Kalyan is playing the lead role. Krish planned to start the shoot from 4th January but now he has tested positive for Covid-19 and the shoot has now been canceled.
Few days ago, Mega Power Star Ram Charan and Varun Tej confirmed that they tested positive for Coronavirus and now Krish joined the list. Now the reports are coming that Pawan Kalyan will now join the sets of Krish’s film at a later date after his recovery.
Meanwhile Krish recently completed the shoot of his upcoming untitled directorial venture which has Vaishnav Tej and Rakul Preet Singh in the lead roles. The film is tentatively titled Kondapolam and it is expected to have a digital release soon. The film’s release date of Rakul Preet Singh and Vaishnav Tej starrer is yet to be announced.
Rakul Preet Singh too tested positive in the month of December. However, she recovered from the Coronavirus in just 7 days. The production works of the untitled flick went on during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic.
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