It is very well known that director Gunasekhar has lined up a mythological epic titled Shaakunthalam. The project is based on the Adi Parva in Mahabharatham. The story has Kind Dushyanth and Shakunthala in the lead roles.
It is a love story that has huge anticipation around it. Gunasekhar is trying to retell the Indian epic in his own style.
He has roped in Samantha in the titular role. The pre-production works of the movie are going on at a very brisk pace. As per the latest update, the movie’s pre-production works are going on at a very brisk pace. Gunasekhar is finalizing the casting process.
It is said that Telugu girl Eesha Rebba has grabbed a prominent role in the movie. She will be playing the role of Shakunthala’s friend in the movie. More details about her role are not revealed yet. Dev Menon is playing the lead role.
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