On Tuesday Mega Power Ram Charan, the son of megastar Chiranjeevi took a real life in his hands and the pic of the same is going viral on the social media. Ram Charan was the chief guest at the 3rd Annual Sports and Games Meet 2021 at Cyberabad and the actor’ speech lauded the efforts of the police in ensuring safety and security in the society. Ram Charan also thanked the police for their support in containing Coronavirus. Now according to the latest update, Police Commissioner VC Sajjanar handed the rifle to Ram Charan and he lifted it at the parade.
RRR actor Ram Charan said failure teaches more lessons than the success. He as an actor learned more things from his movies that did not perform well than those which went on to become box office super hits.
On the work front Ram Charan will be seen playing the lead role in SS Rajamouli’ magnum opus RRR which is being bankrolled by DVV Danayya and it is made on the whooping budget of Rs 400 Cr. Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt will be seen playing the love interest of Rangasthalam fame actor whereas Olivia Morris is sharing the screen space with Young Tiger Jr NTR.
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