Stylish Star Allu Arjun is currently working with Sukumar for upcoming action drama Pushpa, which is progressing at the brisk pace. According to the latest update, recently Allu Arjun’ fans thronged the sets when he was shooting in Mothugudem in Khammam. A video is going viral on the social media, in which Allu Arjun is seen coming out of his customized vanity van, Falcon, and his fans that wait for him screaming in the excitement. The security try to hold back Bunny fans even as they scream for him and take the photographs and videos from far.
Allu Arjun was seen waving at his fans and he also thanked them who came here to meet him. Pushpa is one of the most-awaited films of Telugu film Industry which has Kannada girl Rashmika Mandanna as a leading lady.
The makers of Puhspa have already confirmed that the movie will be released on 13th August 2021 in multiple languages Worldwide in a very grand manner. According to few, Allu Arjun is playing the dual role but there is any official confirmation regarding it. He is playing the role of a sandalwood smuggler named Pushpa Raj.
The expectations are high on Pushpa as this is Sukumar’s next film after the blockbuster village based drama Rangasthalam starring Mega Power Star Ram Charan and Samantha Akkineni.
This is what stardom looks like!
Stylish Star #AlluArjun greets a massive crowd of his fans gathered near Mothugudem while he was shooting for #Pushpa @alluarjun #StylishStar #AlluArjunFans #AlluArjunMania #Fandom— Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) February 1, 2021
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