Around 18 years ago, a young and ambitious Telugu actor, Allu Arjun, the son of producer Allu Aravind, entered the industry hoping to make it big. Now, Stylish Star Allu Arjun is one of the biggest stars in Telugu film Industry. He has completed 18 years this year in the film industry and thanked his family and fans for everything. 18 years ago, actor Allu Arjun set foot in the Tollywood with the movie Gangotri, and today, Bunny, the son of Allu Aravind is one of the most sought after actors.
Gangotri was helmed by Raghavendra Rao and it had Aditi Aggarwal in the female lead role. After the release of Gangotri, Allu Arjun acted in number of hit movies such as Arya, Bunny, Desamuduru , Sarrainodu and more that garnered him a strong fan following.
Allu Arjun, who is basking in glory over his last release Ala Vaikuntapuramlo, helmed by Trivikram Srinivas is currently busy with an untitled film which is being helmed by Sukumar.
Touted to be a village drama, Sukumar’ directorial venture Pushpa will have Allu Arjun in a rugged avatar. Apparently, Sarrainodu star will have to speak the Chitoor dialect throughout the movie and Sukumar has handed over the entire dialogues so that he can master it to perfection. Pushpa has Bheeshma fame Rashmika Mandanna in the female lead role.
It’s has been 18years since my first film released. I wanted to thank each n everyone who has been a part of my 18years journey. My heart is filled with gratitude. I am truly blessed for all the love showered over the years . Thank you for all the blessings. Gratitude. AA
— Allu Arjun (@alluarjun) March 28, 2021
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