Nandamuri Balakrishna is playing the dual role in an upcoming action drama #BB3, which is progressing at the brisk pace under the direction of Boyapati Srinu. The film has Pragya Jaiswal in the female lead role and Poorna in the crucial role. Now according to the latest report, the makers of #BB3 are planning to announce the title of Balakrishna and Boyapati Srinu’ film on the occasion of Ugadi. The official confirmation regarding the title announcement of Balakrishna starrer is awaited.
Sources close to the makers revealed that Boyapati Srinu has already readied the title logo. If Balakrishna gives his nod, the title will be announced next week on the occasion of Ugadi.
Apparently, the upcoming film #BB3 is all about the story of two brothers who get separated during the childhood. One of them becomes an Aghora and it is being heard that Lion fame Balakrishna will wear Laalchi and Panche for becoming aghora in Boyapati Srinu’ directorial venture.
Balakrishna and Boyapati have earlier worked together for the action dramas ‘Legend’ and ‘Simha’ which were blockbusters.
#BB3, bankrolled by Miryala Ravinder Reddy, is expected to hit the theaters on 28th May, on the occasion of Late NTR’ birth anniversary.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood