Ajaz Khan detained at Mumbai airport by NCB: Ajaz Khan is popular in Tollywood as he has acted in few Telugu films – Mahesh Babu starrer Dookudu, Naayak, Temper and Rogue. Now once again the Controversial Bollywood actor Ajaz Khan has been arrested by cop at Mumbai airport. Dookudu and Temper fame Ajaz Khan was detained at the Mumbai airport by the Narcotics Control Bureau- NCB in a drug case. Following the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput last year, who was known for acting in MS Dhoni and Kedarnath, the NCB had started investigating alleged use of drugs by the film and television industries.
The sources say that the actor Ajaz Khan returned to Mumbai from Rajasthan after which the Narcotics Control Bureau took him into custody at the Mumbai airport. The reports are coming that NCB – Narcotics Control Bureau team is also conducting raids at several locations in Andheri and Lokhandwala of Ajaz Khan.
Ajaz Khan had participated in the controversial reality show Bigg Boss season 7 as a wild card entry. Temper actor also entered the show in season 8.
Last year in the month of April, Ajaz Khan was arrested for allegedly uploading an objectionable post on his Facebook. And in July 2019, the ex bigg boss contestant was arrested for posting objectionable videos on microblogging page.
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