Megastar Chiranjeevi has been playing the lead role in the movie Acharya. The movie’s shooting is currently happening at a very brisk pace. Koratala Siva is the director of the movie and the target is that the movie’s shooting will be completed by April end. Acharya is scheduled for the May 13th release.
According to the latest update, after the completion of Acharya, Chiranjeevi has lined up another interesting project. He will be playing the lead role in Malayalam super hit Lucifer remake. Mohan Raja is going to direct this venture. Currently, the movie’s pre-production works are going on at a brisk pace.
The news is that this project has got a royal title of Raraju. However, an official confirmation is awaited in this regard. More details will be known at a very brisk pace.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood