Megastar Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan are working together for an upcoming film Acharya, under the direction of Koratala Siva. Yesterday the makers of Acharya released the promo of Laahe Laahe in which Chiranjeevi was seen dancing on the tune of Mani Sharma. The Laahe Laahe promo shows the festive vibe in the temple town of Dharmasthali. With a single step, Chiru impressed his fans once again and his fans are showering praises on the dance steps. Few comments are as follows:
Janakiram G: When ever I see Chiru sir dance, I still feel iam in my school days….. Hats off Chiranjeevi Sir.
Satish N: We are fully happy from yesterday for the Vakeelsaab our Megastar’s dance is like Icing on the cake .. tomorrow when the full song is out happiness will continue
Saikrishna: Age is just a number for Chiranjeevi sir
rehman riyaz: Only Actor who can dance.. act thru his eyes.. can get into any character and is amazing at generating comedy & emotions with ease… mass is just bread & butter for him.. overall a complete actor ever to grace INDIAN CINEMA.. call it an exaggeration but i have seen all the best actors in every movie industry that exist in India.. but no one.. i repeat no one like him exist. He is the only one actor with entire capabilities infused in him. #MegastarChiranjeevi
Sandeep Kumar: The steps of Chiranjeevi sir dance is very unique. Noone can’t do it.
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