The young actor Vishwak Sen and Nivetha Pethuraj are currently working together for an upcoming film titled Paagal. A lot has been written about the actress policy about on screen kiss sequences. A rumour recently went out that Nivetha has refused to do a kissing scene with Falaknuma Das fame actor in a film because of her so-called no-kiss policy. When it came to Nivetha’s notice and she asked the media not to indulge in gossip. Apparently, the upcoming film doesn’t have a kissing scene . Nivetha Pethuraj reacted to it and said that she was not asked to perform a kiss scene for the film by the director nor she did.
‘Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo’ actress wrote on Twitter, “Firstly I was not asked for on screen kiss by the director for the movie. The script of Paagal is so beautiful just the way it is. Please don’t spread false news.”
The upcoming romantic drama Paagal is helmed by Naresh Kuppili, and the recently released teaser of the film showcased Vishwak Sen as an aggressive youngster and a mad lover who proposes to several women. The movie also has Simran Chaudhary and Megha Lekha in crucial roles.
On the work front, Nivetha Pethuraj was last seen playing a police offer in Ram Pothineni starrer Red, the remake of Thadam.
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