Ram Charan has teamed up with Shankar of I and 2.0 fame for an upcoming untitled trilingual drama, which is produced by Dil Raja and it will have a pan-Indian release in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. The big budget film will be Ram Charan’ next after his much-anticipated film RRR, which is progressing at the brisk pace under the direction of SS Rajamouli while the creative and talented film maker Shankar still has Indian 2 with Kamal Haasan in the pipeline. Now according to the latest report, Ram Charan will be seen playing the role of a dynamic and young Chief Minister in this upcoming film #RC15 and it is being heard that Shankar’ directorial venture will have a strong message.
Ram Charan enjoys a strong fan following due to his work in Magadheera and village based drama Rangasthalam. The buzz is that Kiara Advani is being considered to play the leading lady in the film. Her association with the biggie may help it make a strong impact in Bollywood.
Meanwhile, Ram Charan is playing the role of freedom fighter Alluri Sitarama Raju in Rajamoui’s directorial venture RRR. Ram Charan is also playing the crucial role in Acharya, starring Megastar Chiranjeevi.
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