The shooting of RRR starring Young Tiger Jr NTR and Ram Charan, is proceeding at a rapid pace to meet the release deadline, under the direction of SS Rajamouli. It is known news that popular actress Alia Bhatt has been roped in to play the crucial role of Sita opposite Ram Charan in Rajamouli’ historic drama RRR. Though it’s an extended cameo, she has instantly given her nod as she eagerly wanted to work with a directorial genius like SS Rajamouli. A character artist Prashanth leaked the highlight of RRR.
Prashanth revealed about an emotional song which is one the major highlights in RRR. Music is scored by Kaala Bhairava and this is an emotional song which is canned on Ram Charan and Jr NTR.
About the lead actors- Jr NTR and Ram Charan, the actor Prashanth revealed that they come on the sets in time and if the shots need to be canned again, they bow down in front of director SS Rajamouli.
RRR also has foreign actors. English actress Olivia Morris is playing Jennifer, the lady love of jr NTR, Irish actors Alison Doody and Ray Stevenson will be seen as the main antagonists in this big budget film which is bankrolled by DVV Danayya.
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