Last year during an interview, SS Rajamouli himself confirmed that he is all set to work with Mahesh Babu after wrapping up his ongoing magnum opus project RRR starring Mega Power Star Ram Charan and Young tiger Jr NTR. The upcoming project of Maharshi star and Baahubali film maker’ project will be bankrolled by KL Narayana. Senior producer, KL Narayana opened up about the same in a recent interview and revealed, “ Superstar Mahesh Babu is ready to allot the dates for SS Rajamouli’s project. Eega helmer is also working on the story for his next with Mahesh Babu and the project will go on the floor after the director wraps up RRR. Rajamouli is presently busy with his magnum opus RRR and he is fully focused on the film.”
KL Narayana also confirmed that the speculations regarding this upcoming untitled project being a African forest-based adventure are not true.
Earlier, writer Vijayendra Prasad, the father of Rajamouli and the writer of Baahubali series and Bajrangi Bhaijaan, confirmed with a Bollywood web portal that he is trying to write something like an African forest adventure film.
On the otherside, Mahesh Babu is currently working with Parasuram for a film Sarkaru Vaari Paata which has Keerthy Suresh as the leading lady.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood