Rao Ramesh is playing a crucial role in an upcoming much awaited drama Maha Samudram which is bringing two stars- Sharwanand and Siddharth together on a screen. Touted to be an action drama, the movie Maha Samudram is being helmed by Ajay Bhupathi who is known for making RX 100 starring the young actor Kartikeya and Payal Raput. Today on the occasion of Rao Ramesh’ birthday, the makers of Maha Samudram took to Twitter to unveil the first look poster. Rao Ramesh is playing the role of Gooni Babji. Coming on the first look poster of Maha Samudram, Rao Ramesh is seen wearing colorful outfit and he looks intense as a hunchback.
Maha Samudram also has Aditi Rao Hydari and Anu Emmanuel in the female lead role. . Set in the backdrop of Visakhapatnam, Maha Samudram is an intense love and action drama. The film Maha Samudram’ shoot is on the verge of completion.
Backed by Anil Sunkara under AK Entertainments production company, the movie is shot simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil languages.
On the otherside, Rao Ramesh is also playing an important role in Yash, Srinidhi Shetty, Raveena Tandon and Sanjay Dutt starrer action drama KGF: Chapter 2 which is helmed by Prashanth Neel.
Wishing the Incredibly Versatile Actor #RaoRamesh garu a Very Happy Birthday!
Introducing him as #GooniBabji from our #MahaSamudram @ImSharwanand @Actor_Siddharth @aditiraohydari @ItsAnuEmmanuel @chaitanmusic @DirAjayBhupathi @AnilSunkara1 @AKentsOfficial @SonyMusicSouth pic.twitter.com/novcRJRlcl
— BARaju’s Team (@baraju_SuperHit) May 25, 2021
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