The Bollywood actress Pooja Batra took to her instagram to share a pic of her, in which she is seen doing yoga in bikini. She came up with an interesting caption, “Be a lamp, a life boat, a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.”
Dressed in a green bikini, Pooja Batra pulled off Padangusthasana or the big toe pose, in the swimming pool area of a hotel in Miami.
It is known news that Pooja Batra got married to Nawab Shah secretly in 2019 and he dropped heart emoticons in the comments section of her post. Coming on the pic, Pooja looks sensuous in her latest Instagram picture that has received more than 25,265 likes on the photo-sharing app- Instagram.
She apparently has never looked this h*t before and we simply can’t take our eyes off her photograph. Viraasat actress is blessed with h*t figure and she flaunted her curvy waist. She is known for acting in few movies like Virasat, Haseena Maan Jaayegi, Nayak, Dil Ne Phir Yaad Kiya and Kahin Pyaar Na Ho Jaaye. Her husband has also been the part of few Bollywood movies like Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, Don 2, Lakshya, Musafir and Dilwale.
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