Telugu director and writer Nandyala Ravi breathed his last today on Friday, 14th May. Nandyala Ravi was undergoing treatment at a private hospital after testing positive for the Coronavirus. He didn’t respond well to the treatment and he passed away today. The director contracted Covid last month and his health condition kept deteriorating for the past few days. His sudden demise came across as a shock to everyone in the Telugu film industry.
Recently few Tollywood filmmakers had donated money to Nandyala Ravi’s family after knowing his medical condition. Megastar Chiranjeevi arranged necessary help for him and comedian Saptagiri contributed Rs 1 lakh to Nandyala Ravi for his hospital treatment. Producer K Radha Mohan donated Rs 1 lakh to him. He has worked as a write for few movies such as Orey Bujjiga and Powerplay.
Several actors, technicians and the film makers have lost their lives to the novel coronavirus in the last few weeks. Now, director Nandyala Ravi passed away due to complications caused by Coronavirus.
It is known news that few days ago the popular journalist and actor Thummala Narsimha Reddy – TNR also passed away due to the complications related to the deadly virus. is expressing their deepest condolences over the death of Nandyala Ravi. May his soul rest in peace.
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