The beautiful actress Pragya Jaiswal used to stays in touch with fans through her social media sites. She is an active user of social media sites and used to share her personal photographs to delight her fans and the followers. Pragya Jaiswal is the perfect combination of beauty and s*x appeal. Recently Kanche lady took to her Instagram to share a pic of her where she is seen wearing a white monokini, she said, “The eyes chico, they never lie.”
Pragya Jaiswal’ bikini photograph is receiving positive response by her fans and it has got 109k likes till now. She looks jaw dropping h*t in this photograph. She is flaunting her super toned thighs by lying down on a bed placed outdoors.
She made her acting debut in a South Indian bilingual film Dega which was released in Tamil and Telugu which was released in 2014. Later she made straight Telugu film Kanche under the direction of Krish of Gauthamiputra Satakarni fame in which she shared the screen space with Mega hero Varun Tej.
She has also worked with Bellamkonda Sai Srinivas in the movie Jaya Janaki Nayaka where she played a cameo. Currently Pragya Jaiswal is working with Nandamuri Balakrishna in action thriller drama Akhanda which is being helmed by Boyapati Srinu.
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