It is known that the young and energetic actor Ram Pothineni is going to work with his upcoming bilingual film with director Lingusamy. The director recently heard the final narration and he was bowled over by it. Few days ago, Ram Pothineni announced amid much fanfare that he is all set to start the shooting for his upcoming film with Tamil director Lingusamy. Soon after Red actor announced that his film with Lingusamy is all set to go on the floor, producer Gnanavel Raja has filed a complaint with the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce, and alleged that Lingusamy has taken payments from him in past, and has promised to do films with our production house but he is yet to honor the commitment he made.
Gnanavel Raja says that the film maker Lingusamy has failed to keep his promise. Neither he returned the money not he started the films. Instead, he started a film with Ram Pothineni, which is unacceptable.
On the otherside, the officials from the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce said that they were not authorized to take any action against the film maker Lingusamy or stop his forthcoming film with Ram Pothineni.
‘Uppena’ fame Krithi Shetty will share the screen space with Ram Pothineni in Lingusamy’ directorial venture which will be produced by Srinivasaa Chitturi.
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