Thala Ajith is a big name in Tamil film Industry. Now according to the latest report, Thala Ajith’ household has once again received a bomb threat after receiving one last year and the matter has turned out to be a hoax. Ajith Kumar received a bomb threat on Tuesday. The sources say that some unidentified people made the threatening call to Ajith. The miscreants have informed the same to the police as well.
The police received an anonymous call on 31st May saying that a bomb was placed at the residence of Thala Ajith in the Injambakkam area in Chennai. Following this, the police came into action and a dog squad has been called.
The sources say that anonymous call turned out to be fake as no bomb was found at Vedhalam actor’ house. When they tracked the contact information, they discovered that the guy was Bhuvanesh from Marakkanam. Bhuvanesh is mentally unstable, and he has previously called the police dispatch the centre and blackmailed them with bomb scares. He had previously contacted Rajinikanth. Surprisingly, this is not the first time Ajith received such calls. Earlier he received such calls in 2014 and 2017.
Many Kollywood celebrities like Superstar Rajinikanth, Vijay and Ajith received bomb threats in 2020.
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