Mega Power Star Ram Charan and director Shankar are going to work together for a film called RC15, which is one of the most anticipated films in the South. The makers of the film took to Twitter to officially announce the news of the launch and the upcoming big budget Pan Indian project #RC15 will officially go on the floors with a formal puja ceremony on 8th September. The makers of #RC15 have already announced that Kiara Advani will play the female lead and she will share the screen space with Ram Charan in Shankar’ directorial venture.
Now according to the latest report, Kiara Advani has arrived Hyderabad for #RC15 photoshoot. She will also attend the pooja ceremony of Shankar and Ram Charan film.
RC15 is a Pan Indian project which will be shot in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi simultaneously. Shankar and the team have executed a perfect plan to start and complete the film.
The makers of Pan Indian drama have the aim to start the film on 8th September with a muhurat puja in Hyderabad. The official cast and crew are expected to be announced soon as they will be joining the team on an opening day. Butta Bomma fame Thaman will score the music and it will be bankrolled by Dil Raju under Sri Venkateswara Creations.
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